The Hebrew word "shalom" has a deep, rich meaning. Peace, completeness, prosperity, safety, contentment, health, blessing, and rest are all part of this remarkable word. The ancient Hebrew spelling of "shalom" is interesting because it refers only indirectly about these multiple meanings, but it reveals something very profound about apprehending "shalom."
To experience Shalom in our lives, we have to deal with the roots and causes of chaos. The one and only way to do that is through faith in and identity with Yeshua (Jesus) your Sar Shalom – Prince of Peace – because He has already disarmed the authorities which establish chaos and will soon destroy them completely.
"He said, These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace (Shalom). In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”John 16:33
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