Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 190 A Conspiracy of Peace

Okay, okay. Since we talked about peace-building this weekend, there has been a conspiracy of peace going on around me--so I'm letting you know that it might be good to make a mental note.

1. The Sunday NPR "On Being" segment about peacebuilding that I sent to your email. Article noted in the show? "The Moral Imagination: the Art and Soul of Peace."
2. Bible study memory verse for this week? "Let the peace of Christ rule in you richly." Col. 3:16a
3. Mom's daily reminder on the kitchen sink? "I will give peace and qietness unto Israel." 1 Chron. 22:9d
4. Mom's daily devotional for today? "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace." Col 3:15 (In fact, the whole month is about peace!) The devotional for today talks about the prayer of St. Francis and reminds us that "like all of God's blessings, the gift of peace is not intended to be something we keep to ourselves. The God who made peace with a rebellious creation through the death of Jesus calls us to be peacemakers in his world. This is striking testimony to God's willingness, his incredible humility, to place the advancement of his peace in our hands. 'Let the peace of Christ rule.' God doesn't require, but wants us, to participate in the glory of Christ's rule over creation. He wants us to live up to the high calling of peacemaking."

Increase Sarah's desire to let your peace flow out of her to a hurting world.

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