Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day 254 Do you see what I see?

Jesus stopped and ordered the man to be brought to him. When he came near, Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” “Lord, I want to see,” he replied. Luke 18:40-41

The blind man in this story asked for what he wanted most--to see.....There were no optometrists, no LASIK eye surgery, no cornea transplants. Blindness and begging were this man's destiny…until the day Jesus passed by.

With a buzz in the air, people rush past him in excitement to see Jesus. Although he can’t see with his eyes, I bet the man feels the energy in the air and hears it clearly. Jesus was near, and in desperation he starts to cry out. When he's rebuked by the crowd, he yells louder. The crowd ignored him, but Jesus took notice and answered.

A Bible commentator named William Barclay wrote, “A gentle, sentimental longing never really taps into the power of God. God's power is in the passionate, intense desire that comes from the deepest part of the human heart, and he will never disappoint you.”

Our faith is often so proper, shushing the deepest desires of our heart. Too often we allow what others think to determine our actions—even in our relationship with Jesus Himself.

Today, may we be more like the blind beggar who cried out in desperation…and was answered.

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