Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 199 Just Plain Yokes

"Take my yoke upon you and  learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your soul." Matthew 11:29

The yoke Jesus is talking about in this verse shows a lot about how we learn his gentleness. You know a yoke is a heavy wooden bar that a farmer places across the necks of two oxen so that they work together. The purpose is to get twice as much work done--but mostly the yoke is a training tool.

When a young ox reaches the point when it can start plowing, the farmer teams it up with an older, more experienced animal. This way, the younger, more stubborn ox is forced to walk in step with the bigger, stronger animal which leads the way.... It's not the most flattering description of a disciple, but that's what it is!

Guess what--Jesus wants to be yoked with his rebellious people so that we can learn from him. He doesn't force his yoke on us: he offers it humbly and carries its weight. If you just keep in step with Jesus, his gentleness will soon become yours as well.

Help Sarah to walk beside you today, listening to your teaching, and enjoying the rest only you can give. Amen.

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