Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 278 Supporting Community

Therefore be honest with each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

Who has access to your soul? Is there someone in your life that you can share deeply with? Who keeps you accountable to living out your Christian faith with integrity? For people who are trying to live the Christian life totally on their own, it's difficult. We all need support. We all need people around us who can ask probing questions and encourage us to keep on moving in the right direction in our faith.

The Bible is full of examples of people needing and belonging to a community of believers who could encourage, support, and exhort each other. When Moses was exhausted and drained, he had people actually come alongside him and hold up his staff to help win a battle over the Amalikites. Jesus chose 12 disciples to basically pour into His life for three years. He taught them to support each other. After Jesus rose from the dead, the disciples in Jerusalem shared everything in common. They ate, prayed, and worshipped together.

Here are a couple of questions to ask yourself while you are in a "temporary" place this year:

                  Have I been in a compromising situation with someone of the opposite sex this week?
                  Have I given priority to my family and friendships this week?
                  Have I spent an adequate time in Bible study and prayer this week?
                  Have I had any financial dealings that have lacked integrity?
                  Have I lied, cheated, or harmed anyone with gossip this week?
                  Have I just lied on any of the above questions?

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