Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day 304 Metamorphousthe

When we are followers of Christ, our spiritual growth requires radical renewal--metamorphosis. The Greek word for metamorphousthe, tranformation. Paul talks a lot about it. Romans 12:2 says that we are to "be transformed by the renewing of our minds." The salvation Jesus offers is a moral, spiritual, and mental transformation that takes place in this life.

The thing about living a transformed life is that WE can't do it: it is something God does in us...he reshapes us and transforms us into something new and wonderful. We are "being transformed." God is the agent of transformation. Through his power we "are being transformed into Christ's likeness" (2 Cor 3:18).

God's transformation comes through the renewal of our minds. In Greek "mind" means understanding, attitude, and entire way of thinking--our worldview--or the lens we use to see, interpret, and respond to the world around us.

Thinking biblically comes from passionately soaking up what the Bible says and letting it inform the way we think about God, suffering, poverty, sex, love, justice, forgiveness, truth, healing, and what it means to be human.

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