Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 248 HON-gry! nom nom nom

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” Matt. 5:6
What does it really mean to be ‘filled?' When I'm really hungry and thirsty, I want something "real" and "good" to eat that will satisfy.

When Jesus talks about righteousness, I think He is referring to a daily trust and reliance on Him. True contentment and the desire to be “filled” can be found when I seek Him as I live and interact with others. Our relationship with Jesus is where we get our true hunger and thirst filled.

Jesus, let Sarah's heart-hunger and thirst be satisfied in you. Help her to align the desires of her heart with the desires you have for her. Fill her with your love and mercy so that she has love and compassion to pour out to others. Amen.

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