Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 258 Right and Wrong at the Very Same Time

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
 Matthew 5:10
I want to be blessed by God, but am I persecuted because of righteousness? Seriously. 

People can react in surprising ways or reject you when you are doing good: God warns us it will happen. It's called "opposition." If you are facing opposition, it may be because you are doing the right thing....In fact, I pretty much expect opposition these days: it tells me I'm on track!

Sometimes, we have to make a choice between living for God’s approval and living for the approval of others. When we commit ourselves to our faithful Creator and continue to do good (1 Peter 4:19), it doesn’t always “feel” good.

With the Holy Spirit’s help, we make our decisions by faith, not on feelings, and we can love others and practice righteousness in daily dependence upon God.

Dear Heavenly Father, during Lent I’m aware of Jesus’ sacrifice to make me righteous – in right standing with You. I want to live faithfully and please You.  Please direct me in the next step I can do to practice righteousness.

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