Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 253 Whole-hearted

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Matt. 5:8

In Bible times, the heart was the center of your being. Your emotions, thoughts, motivations, courage and action all came from your heart. The "pure in heart" are saturated with God’s desires. They're not perfect--they just recognize God at work in the world around them. 

People who are pure in heart are led by the Holy Spirit and aware of God’s will working in their lives even when they struggle and are in pain. As they recognize and yield to the Holy Spirit’s leading, they experience more of God’s favor and peace, his blessing, in all they do until they eventually see Him face to face.

Lord, thank you for the blessing that is Sarah's as she yields to your will and walks in your paths.  Amen

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