Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 222 Give and Take

“He called down famine on the land and destroyed all their supplies of food; and he sent a man before them—Joseph, sold as a slave.” (Psalm 105:16-17)

When it seems like the world is crumbling around you, God has a plan. He has a "Joseph" that He has sent ahead. We just need to seek him out.

Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers and sent to Egypt. Because of his smarts, charisma, and God’s grace, he ended up being Pharaoh’s right hand man. When famine hit Israel, his father Jacob sent his brothers to Egypt to beg for grain....Guess who they encountered.

If you are in a place and you feel God has blessed you abundantly--store up. Continue in prayer, Bible study, and serving. Don’t take God for granted. Then, when bad times hit, your faith will be stronger. You will have the resources to see you through like Joseph did.

If you are in a bad time and your faith feels starved, look for the Joseph in your life. God is preparing someone or something as your relief. The thing is, you may have to humble yourself to receive it, just as Joseph’s brothers did.

It just may be that God will call you to be someone else’s Joseph – to be His messenger to them and to provide them with some of your faith to feed their hunger for truth, so share it. Give a smile to a frazzled neighbor or coworker. Open the door for someone who is laden down with bundles. Do a little something special for someone just because you love them. And above all else, pray.

Father, Help me to see your hand at work both in times of plenty and times of need. If I can help someone else, move my hands to do it. And if I need to accept your provision through the generosity of another, give me the strength to do that too. Amen.

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