Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 333 Life's a....Puzzle! ;p

Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; may Your good Spirit lead me on level ground. Psalm 143:10

Ever done one of those mystery jigsaw puzzles? There is no picture on the box to follow, but once the puzzle is put together, you use the picture to solve the mystery. Some of the pieces connect easily and you can tell right away where they fit while others are more difficult.

In one of these mystery puzzles, there was a navy blue color with no pattern. You would think you found a match only to find out the pieces were slightly off. It's frustrating when the last twenty-five puzzle pieces to take forever to fit together! You have to try each piece in every spot since they are all a fairly uniform shape and color. And, even though they looked alike, each piece was different, and slamming your fist on the puzzle trying to make it fit doesn't work. ;) You just try somewhere else and it slides in effortlessly, finding its perfect spot.

Here's the moral: Each one of us has a perfect fit. For some it is easy to figure out what their purpose and role in life is. These people seem at ease, always pursuing the goal they know God has for them. But most of us are more like the dark puzzle pieces: we think we have found the right spot, we try to squeeze ourselves in, but something isn't quite right....We know we are close, but something is just a little off.

Like a jigsaw puzzle, the best thing we can do is: continue the search to find the right spot. We get in trouble when we try to make ourselves fit somewhere because we think (or someone else thinks) we should, when in reality God’s perfect plan is waiting around the corner.

God has something special planned for you, Sarah. He has something particularly planned for YOU. You have a spot in Gods plan, a specific purpose. Take the time to explore your gifts and abilities to see how you fit.

Right now: 
Think of at least five ways God has gifted you.
Now write down what are you doing right now in your life that matches God’s giftedness for you.

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